Genesis Trust Bath

Una's page

Una McCarter

Una McCarter

My Story

Genesis Trust is a charity reaching the  homeless and vulnerable people in the Bath area. Through providing practical help with immediate needs, as well as long-term training and work experience opportunities, Genesis trust aim to support people as they improve their lives. If you are able to, any donation towards the work of this charity would be much appreciated to stand behind the life impacting work they do. 

Genesis Trust Bath

Raising for:

Genesis Trust Bath


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Genesis Trust is a charity reaching the  homeless and vulnerable people in the Bath area. Through providing practical help with immediate needs, as well as long-term training and work experience opportunities, Genesis trust aim to support people as they improve their lives. If you are able to, any donation towards the work of this charity would be much appreciated to stand behind the life impacting work they do.