Alzheimer's Society

Anna’s page

Anna Cogdell

Anna Cogdell

My Story

Hey everyone, 

I am running the Bath-Half Marathon with my sister Els.  I am aiming to raise money for Alzeimer's Society in memory of my Great Nanny Pat who has Alzeimers and for my Great Grandad Stan who single handedly looked after her for many years. This is also in recognition of the time and effort that my Nan and Grandad along with my Great Aunt and Uncle spent looking after them. 

Hopefully this will help contribute towards this amazing charity that do so much for family carers and friends of those suffering. 

Alzheimer's Society

Raising for:

Alzheimer's Society


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Hey everyone, 

I am running the Bath-Half Marathon with my sister Els.  I am aiming to raise money for Alzeimer's Society in memory of my Great Nanny Pat who has Alzeimers and for my Great Grandad Stan who single handedly looked after her for many years. This is also in recognition of the time and effort that my Nan and Grandad along with my Great Aunt and Uncle spent looking after them. 

Hopefully this will help contribute towards this amazing charity that do so much for family carers and friends of those suffering.